
Specialized Sweeping

Specialized Sweeping

As a municipal official, property manager, or property owner, you know that your parking lots and streets need regular sweeping. Specialized sweeping, however, may not be on your mind. When your property is impacted by holidays, sales, store grand openings, or other events, you need specialized sweeping. At Jacketta Sweeping, we put our expertise to work applying what we know about sweeping to your specific needs. Let’s explore some possibilities!


We know, we know: you are not ready to think about the holidays. After all, it is not even Spring! We are not talking about turkey and Christmas shopping. Minor holidays often impact retail centers almost as much as major holidays. For example, President’s Day is only one week away and many stores have begun their sales. When you manage a property that includes retail shops, “retail holidays” must be on your radar. Jacketta Sweeping has a team that is ready to provide additional sweeps before and after these retail holidays. We are happy to walk you through the year of retail, noting where you’ll want to schedule additional sweeps. After all, we have been servicing parking lots year after year of retail holidays since 1968. We can identify trends in traffic that affect your parking lot. You want our expertise on your side.


Sales are not always centered around holidays. It is wise to ask your tenants to inform you if they plan to hold major clearances or launch events for new products. Be sure to find out when the sale begins and ends. Also note any early bird pricing and extended business hours. Sweeps will need to occur prior to those amended hours. Bring the sale or launch details to our attention, and we will get to work building the perfect specialized sweeping plan!

Grand Openings

Brand new stores and exciting new locations for long-standing businesses all deserve a beautiful grand opening event. Have you considered how these events will impact your asphalt? Prior to a grand opening, you will want to schedule a special sweep to ensure your parking lot impresses customers. Additionally, consider the state of your pavement after the grand opening. Grand openings often include extra food, coupons, and trinkets that are not present in day to day business. They also involve many more customers than you typically plan to serve. Schedule a sweep directly after the grand opening, and we will sweep away the leftovers of the celebration. Your parking lot will be perfectly prepared for the next business day.


You are likely prepared for well-advertised community events. When you have notice regarding upcoming events, it is easy to schedule an extra parking lot sweep before and after. The difficulty comes when an event is less conspicuous. Jacketta Sweeping will help you think strategically regarding your parking lot. For example, you may not have noted that St. Patrick’s Day lands on the first official day of the NCAA men’s tournament this year. If you have a restaurant in your shopping center or mall, your pavement will need an extra sweep or two around this timeframe. Other inconspicuous events such as school breaks can unexpectedly increase the traffic on your parking lot. Jacketta Sweeping is dedicated to honestly assessing your needs and providing the parking lot sweeping you require.

With Jacketta on your side, all the properties under your care in Utah will be swept clean according to your specific needs. No cookie cutter or “set it and forget it” mindset here! Contact Jacketta Sweeping today to begin your specialized sweeping plan.

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