
Utah Parking Lot Sweeping In Winter

Salt Lake City Professional Street Sweeping Services

Winter can be cold and dreary, and not the best of times for certain outdoor pursuits. That said, parking lot sweeping in Utah is something of an exception.

Here are three reasons why.

Street Sweeping Helps Improve Lot Safety

First and foremost, sweeping your lot year round improves safety conditions for you, your employees and visitors to your property. Winter storms have a definite tendency to drop branches on paved surfaces and pour down precipitation that brings oils up from the asphalt. By removing those obstructions, along with litter and and debris, your sweeping service helps keep the lot outside your commercial property clean and safe.

Distinguish Yourself From The Competition

With a clean, attractice lot, why would potential customers stay away? Actually, customers do care a great deal about appearances, as they care about ease of parking and clearly visible markings. Jacketta Sweeping can help with all three of these issues by clearing debris out of your driving and parking areas, pressure washing surfaces to clear away ground-in grime and old paint, and then striping your lot with fresh, reflective high-visibility markings. The effect of these actions is to create a pleasant, clean-looking space where people want to shop. This effect is magnified if you have similar competing businesses nearby with dingy, branch-strewn lots that contrast negatively with the attractive cleanliness of your own professionally maintained lot. 

Save Yourself Trouble When Spring Arrives

The essential act of parking lot sweeping is the sweeping, which powers off old dirt and grease. Frequent power washes also help address larger problems before they begin, or at least before they get worse. A pile of dropped leaves, for instance, starts out as a loose heap, but as cars and pedestrians’ feet repeatedly crush the pile, those leaves can get compacted and release their oils. In the rain, this tannin seeps into the cracks in the pavement and speeds the process of erosion on the asphalt or concrete. Just as letting cobwebs accumulate on your building’s exterior causes a faster accumulation of grime and dirt, so letting waste pile up in your lot during the winter months makes it harder to sweep away in spring.

Winter is not the best time to go outdoors- and it may not feel like the right time to do any kind of cleaning or maintenance to your property. Waste and potential safety hazards are still accumulating all winter long, however, and some types of debris pile up faster in the cold and rainy months than at any other time. To learn more about what a professional parking lot sweeping and commercial cleaning in winter can do to help your commercial property, contact Jacketta Sweeping for a phone consultation with our trained staff today.

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